Alienation from educational activities in the context of digital transformation of education


Bysyuk Anna1,Antonovskiy Aleksandr2


1. Tver State University

2. of the Research Institute of information technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


The article reviews the scientific psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of alienation from educational activities in the context of digital transformation of education. Alienation from educational activities (alienation of educational work) is understood as the process of a changed, disharmonious attitude of students (students, cadets) to educational activities, which is based on an unbalanced relationship with the subjects of the educational process (peers, teachers, the administration of an educational organization, significant others) and social distancing from the educational format as a whole. Alienation from educational activities can manifest itself in various symptoms in cognitive, behavioral, emotional terms: decreased motivation to study and gain knowledge and education, social passivity and apathy, the predominance of external motivation in studies (obtaining a diploma, not mastering knowledge in academic disciplines), decreased self-esteem and dissatisfaction with oneself and other participants in educational relations, a decrease in the quality of interpersonal relationships and an increase in social distance, a decrease in the level of claims, an increase in feelings of anxiety during training, denial of requirements and norms, Distance learning and digitalization of educational activities in a fairly operational format in recent years have allowed us to reveal additional features of alienation from educational activities. A sharp change in the educational format of educational activities and the educational environment led to a permanent experience of fears among students, anxiety about learning, dissatisfaction with the learning process, "slipping away" from learning, avoiding responsibility. In the context of prevention of alienation from educational activities, it is necessary for students to form the actual need for learning, to determine the semantic content of the content of academic disciplines, learning goals and values of participants in educational relations. One of the effective ways to overcome the alienation from the educational activities of students and their involvement in the educational process can be the systemically organized work of employees of educational organizations in the process of professional training of students both at the stage of adaptation to educational activities and in the future. In the conditions of digital transformation of education, all its participants need to adapt to the already established digital, information society, to information and communication technologies in order to actualize their personal and professional potential in order to fully engage in both educational and professional activities.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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