Readiness of higher school teachers to use digital technologies in the educational process


Manuzuna Elena1,Chufeeva Anastasia1,Artemyeva Svetlana2


1. Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after V. M. Shukshin

2. Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy


The digitalization of the education system imposes certain circumstances not only on the organization of the educational process and the training of specialists in demand in the modern world, but also on the skills of a teacher in the field of information and communication technologies. Within the framework of this article, an analysis of Russian and foreign approaches to defining a set of digital competencies necessary for a modern teacher of higher education is carried out. The purpose of this study is to determine an objective diagnostic toolkit for identifying the level of digital competencies among teachers of higher institutions. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign experience in the development of digital competence among teachers, including a higher education teacher, an internal questionnaire was developed to assess the level of formation of the necessary digital skills. Data collection was carried out through an online survey of teachers using a structured questionnaire. A survey of university teachers was conducted in order to identify the readiness to use digital technologies in the educational process. The data obtained during the survey made it possible to obtain objective information about the level of formation of digital competencies among teachers and their readiness to use digital tools and technologies in the educational process. University teachers have demonstrated high results in such competencies as the use of digital solutions for effective communication of students on academic assignments; creating your own digital resources; creation and modification of digital educational materials, inclusion of students in group work using the Internet, including online services for joint project activities; taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students in the educational process; exchange of ideas and materials with colleagues from other educational organizations, including through cloud systems, advanced training through online training.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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