Implementation of scientific and educational reproaches to develop critical thinking of region experts-to be


Hlyzova Natal'ya1


1. Irkutsk State University


This article deals with the issues to develop critical thinking in teaching region studies. It gives the approach to study the region through a correct evaluation of the information about it. It shows the modern need to study the region through the work with information, to select it, check, analyze, evaluate, make a conclusion. It is an urgent vector of the modern education system to prepare region experts with a high level of critical thinking, who are able to operate with foreign-language media texts, alternative data sources, who know the ways how media work, who can deal with popular types of fakes. The author considers critical thinking as a necessary quality of personality and one of the main skills of a region expert. It requires developing systematically and purposefully in the pedagogical process. It uses methods of theoretical and practical analyses. The research of scientific and educational approaches to develop critical thinking reveals an optimal way to implement them in the preparation of region experts. It gives the experience of testing and its results confirming the hypothesis and clearly testifying to the effectiveness of the identified scientific and educational approaches. The author concludes that the identified scientific and educational approaches contribute to the targeted development of critical thinking in region studies, increase the effectiveness of a complex regional analysis, can be implemented in any compulsory discipline of region studies in various types of educational institutions.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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