Psychological portraits of persons who have committed or attempted to commit a sexual crime against minors


Maltseva Tatiana1ORCID


1. Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia


Crimes against morality, sexual freedom and sexual integrity of the individual against minors are a traditionally significant problem in legal psychology. It includes the identification of socio-psychological characteristics of the criminal and post-criminal situation, the individual psychological characteristics of the victim and the criminal, the study of the influence of experienced violence on the mental state of the victim, the development of diagnostic and expert assessments of these states and reactions. The purpose of this article is to study persons who have committed crimes against the sexual integrity of minors. The subject of the study is the psychological characteristics of the personality of those who have committed or attempted to commit a sexual crime against minors. The study was carried out using an expert survey of police officers who have experience working with this category of offenses. The experts were operatives directly involved in the investigation of high-profile crimes against morality, sexual freedom and sexual integrity of minors. 96 materials provided by experts were studied. To process the results, methods of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis (Spearman test) were used. In the course of the study, the composition of those who committed high-profile crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, the correlation and specificity of their criminal actions were identified, and seven psychological portraits were drawn up.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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