Directions of formation of digital competence of employees of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the information society


Antonovskiy Aleksandr1


1. Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Federal Penitentiary Service


The article discusses the main directions of the formation of digital competence of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the information society. The main digital competencies of employees of the penal enforcement system, which form the basis of professional digital competence, are highlighted in a generalized form: the ability to apply modern information technologies, digital tools and digital tools in practice to achieve professional tasks; the ability to work with information (search, systematization, transfer); skills of working with digital data in specialized information systems; skills and abilities of working with software, technical means in the workplace; the ability to summarize, analyze and visually present the results of work, if necessary, in electronic form, etc. The main directions of work on the formation of digital competence among employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia can be direct acquaintance with advanced scientific and technical developments in both general and special educational disciplines in the areas and specialties of training; conducting educational events with the invitation of specialized specialists on the introduction and use of information technologies; participation of students in specialized scientific and practical conferences and seminars; educational events on digital hygiene and digital etiquette; the use of gamification as a modern teaching method and special digital training platforms; conducting practical training with various information systems of a reference and search nature, telecommunication networks, electronic databases, office software. It is emphasized that it is necessary to take into account the constant change and addition of the content of digital competencies, based on the needs of official activity in the context of the development of the digital economy and create conditions and prerequisites for the development of continuing professional education of specialists, when the "increment" of professional digital competence is implemented on a planned basis: not only when obtaining higher education, but also in the future, in the dynamics of performance official activity by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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