Coping Behavior: Essence, Structure and Mechanism of Formation


Bashilova-Selezneva E.12


1. City Clinical Emergency Hospital No. 25

2. Volgograd State University


Modern post-industrial society makes new demands on a person, which cannot but affect the quality of his life and state of health. The high prevalence of addictive behavior, the steady growth of affective, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders, in which in 40-75% of cases there are violations of the regulation of emotions, require an expansion of ideas about the meaningful components of the emotionality of the individual, in particular about the psychological determinants and mechanisms that provide the possibility of effective regulation of emotions in help coping behavior. At present, the concept of coping behavior is used to study human actions not only under stress, but in other difficult life situations, to which we refer, including labor activity in adverse sanitary and epidemiological conditions. Among them, the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become widespread in the world since March 2019. The impact of coronovirus infection on the mental state of even a healthy person who is not susceptible to the disease, but who is in difficult conditions associated with social restrictions, is obvious. It is coping behavior that is an effective tool aimed at overcoming the destructive influences of the individual in modern conditions.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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