The Kanban method as a tool for managing engineering Foresight projects in the formation of the foundations of engineering competence in the field of scientific and technical creativity of students


Faritov A1


1. Saratov State University


The Kanban method refers to tools used to reduce time costs in production processes. The main purpose of using the method is to manufacture the final product "just in time", i.e. the fulfillment of a certain order without any delays. In Japanese, "Kan" means "sign" and "Ban" means "board". Visually, the Kanban method is presented in the form of a Kanban board, the main function of which is to help the product development team balance the production process at all stages. In this article, we consider the possibility of using the Kanban method as a tool for managing engineering Foresight projects in the formation of the fundamentals of engineering competence of students of basic general education. We present the main advantages of this method, describe how the Kanban method helps to fully influence the formation of the fundamentals of engineering competence of students.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House



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