The Problem of Emotional Well-Being of Preschool Children in the Context of Child-Parent Relationships: Experience of Empirical Analysis


Du Yuan1


1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Parents play a crucial role in the emotional development of children during their early childhood. Actions, reactions, parental attitudes all have a powerful impact on a child's emotional well-being, laying the foundation for their social experience and mental health. This article highlights the results of an empirical study that was aimed at identifying the relationship between parent-child relationships and the emotional well-being of preschoolers. The sample of respondents consisted of children of preschool age (90 people) and their parents (150 people). The survey was conducted based on the children's educational institution «Maple Bear» in the city of Zhengdong (People's Republic of China). The analysis showed that the parental attitude towards children with a low level of emotional well-being is characterized by a mismatch between the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components; Parental attitudes toward children with high emotional well-being are less controversial than those shown by parents towards their children with low emotional well-being.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House



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