Artistic Heritage in the Actualization of Traditional Pedagogical Technologies and the Implementation of Innovative Educational Ideas Artistic Heritage in the Actualization of Traditional Pedagogical Technologies and the Implementation of Innovative Educational Ideas


Ul'yanova N.1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


The purpose of the research is to create a comprehensive methodology with the inclusion of traditional pedagogical technologies based on the system of the historical Russian school of fine arts. Using the example of planning ensembles of a Russian manor with the definition of their influence on the cultural development of life in urban suburbs during the heyday and development of art workshops and crafts in the late XVIII and early XIX centuries. The paper provides an analysis of a number of methodological approaches in the educational system, which is based on the educational and cultural component of art education. The purpose of this article was to analyze the social features of the planning, content and distribution of functions of the socio-cultural development of the Russian estate. The research can be successfully applied in educational programs and additional education, in the field of architecture, design, restoration and ecology.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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