1. Kuban State University
The article is devoted to the problem of preparing future teachers for professional activities using new social media as effective means of teaching and educating schoolchildren. The author substantiates the relevance of the research problem, reveals the educational potential of new social media, and identifies the possible risks of its implementation in the educational process of the school, associated with the unpreparedness of future teachers to use them in their professional activities. The article presents the content of the author's model of developing readiness for the use of new social media in the teaching and educational process of school among students studying in teacher education programs. The model includes target, content, organizational, technological and effective blocks, the integration of which represents an integral pedagogical system aimed at bringing higher pedagogical education into line with the requirements of the modern information society. The model was implemented over four academic years as part of a pedagogical experiment. Using diagnostic tools developed in accordance with the author’s idea of the criteria and indicators of teachers’ readiness to effectively use new social media as new means of teaching and education, the level of its formation among experimental (n = 67) and control (n = 69) students is studied. groups before and after the implementation of the proposed model. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, a conclusion is drawn about the feasibility and possibility of transforming the system of media education for modern students — future teachers.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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