Systemic methods of analysis and synthesis of the intellectual and adaptive control


Крамаров Сергей1,Kramarov Sergey2,Смирнов Юрий3,Smirnov Yuriy4,Соколов Сергей5,Sokolov Sergey6,Таран Владимир7,Taran Vladimir8


1. БУ ВО «Сургутский государственный университет»

2. Surgut State University

3. Донской государственный технический университет

4. Don State Technical University

5. Ростовский государственный экономический университет

6. Rostov State University of Economics

7. Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения

8. Rostov State University of Means of Communication


There are questions of management of the composite dynamic systems in the conditions of indeterminacy, including consideration of systems for an intellectual adaptive control, questions of assessment of a condition of the concentrated and distributed stochastic systems by various criteria are considered; questions of stochastic management of dynamic objects on the basis of the generalized probability criteria; questions of optimum stochastic control of the maneuvering objects; questions of assessment of parameters of the space and distributed environment and point estimation of a condition of the concentrated and distributed systems are considered in the monograph. Important sections of this monograph are questions of synthesis of optimum adaptive control systems of mekhatronny objects and synthesis of an intellectual adaptive control with prediction by a mekhatronny object of changeable structure. The monograph is intended for completion of the existing gap in the direction of development of the theory of management of stochastic non-linear objects on the basis of the common forms of probability criteria and analytical synthesis of the common objective laws of processes of management of non-linear many-dimensional and multiply connected systems, including systems on the basis of the fullest non-linear models of systems with the immediate accounting of their natural regularities, physical (chemical, etc.) criteria and restrictions. The edition of the book was initiated by the tasks formulated within the SMART project (Satellite Monitoring — to the Fissile Development of Territories) where a number of the keyest problems, including adaptability of adoption of administrative decisions is considered. The book is intended for scientists, experts, graduate students and undergraduates specializing in area of an intellectual adaptive control, development of indistinct and logical methods and devices and also for students of older years of physical and mathematical faculties and engineering higher education institutions on the corresponding specialties and the directions. The results explained in the book can find practical application during creation of perspective control systems, navigation, communication, etc., i.e. a wide class of the dynamic non-linear systems functioning in the conditions of indignations of various physical nature.


Publishing Center RIOR

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