Influence of preplant treatment of potato tubers by fungicide for diseases such as scab


Сафин ,Safin Radik,Зайцева ,Zaytseva Tatyana


This article presents the results of researches of the phytosanitary condition and yield of potato tubers, treated with chemical and biological fungicides. The authors of the paper are Zaytseva Tatyana Vasilevna, a post graduate student of General agriculture, plant protection and plant breeding Department, Safin Radik Ilyasovich – Ph Of Agriculture, professor, a head of General agriculture, plant protection and plant breeding Department. The article is entitled “Influence of preplant treatment of potato tubers by fungicide for diseases such as scab”. It is divided into the following parts: “Introduction”, “Research terms, materials and methods”, “Discussion and analysis of results”, “Conclusion”. In the introduction, we discussed the problem of rise the prevalence and severity of diseases such as scab of potato; formulated an aim - to justify, develop the biologized security system of potato tubers from diseases such as scab. Then the general characteristic of the problem was given, the conditions, materials and methods were described. The main part presents the analysis and discussion of the results on the impact of contamination of planting material tubers by scab type diseases on growth and development of potato plants, distribution and development of leaf mycosis, infectiousness of new crop tubers by diseases, such as scab. The paper presents data, confirming the basic provisions. In conclusion, it states, that the obtained data led to the preliminary conclusion, that biologics be stronger or almost equal influence on the growth of productivity, than chemical protectant.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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