
Тавасиева ,Tavasieva Z.,Позмогов ,Pozmogov A.


In modern conditions of managing in the organizations introduction of innovative technologies in the sphere of human resource management becomes an urgent task. The most important factor of realization of innovative solutions of the tasks arising in modern collectives are personnel innovations. They are based on need of close interrelation of the development strategy of the company with planning of personnel; to assessment of extent of influence of costs for work with shots on economic indicators of production; formation of necessary amount of competences, professional skills for effective work in labor market. The main directions of innovative personnel technologies, and also forms of their realization in a control system are defined. The model of work with innovations in a personnel management system is offered. Dependences of introduction of innovations in human resource management with the solution of specific objectives, and also their basic orientations are established. It is claimed that a main goal of in human resource management, is providing the organization by the employees capable to the innovative ideas and technologies of their embodiment.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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