Modeling of information and methodological support for caravanning in the Republic of Crimea


Ермаков Александр,Ermakov Aleksandr


Caravanning is a traditional type of tourism for the Republic of Crimea. Quality of service in the caravanning is formed by the level of their performance, which is dependent on their compliance with modern requirements. The modern development of information and methodological support of tourism requires its improvement for trailering. The author of the article prompts to introduce a numerical score for impressions of the route depending on car safety. The author anticipates a significant improvement in traveling experience due to the flexible capabilities to modify the route with an objective assessment by car tourists. The basis for such decisions is the method of determining the characteristics of the route using graph theory. Knowledge of highway congestion and evaluation of tourist facilities and service companies will allow adjusting the car tourists´ travel itineraries. The proposed evaluation of the quality of services on the route can reasonably conduct design. Creation of tourist information centers of the tourist resources of the Republic of Crimea with the representation in estimates of impressions from visiting the tourist sites allow users to create their generalized objective assessment. Development of the trailering must be based on respect for the principles of sustainable trailering. The introduction of innovative solutions for family trailering make it more competitive in the tourism market. Openness and availability of information on the quality of camping, catering, leisure, etc. will make caravanning more attractive in the Republic of Crimea for both domestic and foreign tourists.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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