1. Ural Federal University named First President of Russia B. Yeltsin
The article presents the results of the study of stress, coping strategies in the process of forming the professional identity of students of the Ural Federal University and the impact on the studied parameters of their hardiness. Stress levels were measured using various questionnaires. Coping strategies were investigated using the WCQ methodology R. Lazarus and S. Folkman, hardiness and its components — with the help of a questionnaire by S. Muddy, the statuses of professional identity — by the method of A. A. Azbel. The analysis of the results revealed medium and low levels of stress among students, but showed significant use of non-adaptive strategies for coping with stress. The correlation analysis showed a strong correlation between the stress level indicators measured by various methods. The correlation analysis showed a strong relationship between stress levels measured by various methods. The degree of tension of a number of coping strategies showed a significant relationship with stress levels, with the hardiness and the representation of individual statuses of professional identity by A. A. Azbel method. According to the correlation analysis, it was also found that stress accumulated due to problematic situations during the year (the Holmes-Rahe questionnaire) contributes to the status of an uncertain (diffusion) professional identity. Recommendations are given on minimizing the stress load in the process of professional development of students.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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