
Ambarova Polina1,Mal'cev A.1,Ermolaeva S.1


1. Ural Federal University named First President of Russia B. Yeltsin


The digital transformation of society and higher education affects university trade unions today, especially the sphere of communicative interaction between members of a trade union organization. The introduction of digital communication and information exchange tools has become a daily practice of modern university trade unions. However, representatives of the university trade union have different attitudes towards the use of digital communication tools, perceive their risks, and have different preferences in choosing certain communication tools. The purpose of the article is to identify the attitude of university trade union members to digital communication methods and their impact on various aspects of the life of university trade unions. A study conducted in 2023 in a number of universities in the Ural Federal District showed that members of university trade unions are generally ready to use digitalization tools to intensify communication and quickly achieve their goals. However, the trade union community is clearly aware of the risks of digital communication, including digital exclusion, increased information noise and reduced cohesion.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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