Problems of Social Adaptation of Russian Labor Resources to Labor Activity in the Context of Global Changes


Garnik Sergey1,Belova O.2


1. Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

2. State University of Management


The article analyzes the factors that affect the social adaptation of labor resources in the context of global changes associated with man-made, epidemiological, and socio-political threats. The negative factors hindering social adaptation related to the problems of the development of the human resources management system in Russia are highlighted. The authors, relying on the historical experience of mankind in adapting to the industrial revolutions of the past, associate the success of social adaptation with the activation of state policy in the field of regulating social and labor relations and cultural and educational activities, as well as the transformation of human resource management systems in organizations, the transformation of the type of leadership in commercial and non-profit organizations, changes in the system of training managers, their ability to adequately respond to global changes, and the renewal of the trade union movement in Russia.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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