Study of Stress Resistance Among Students of the Direction of Training «Personnel Management» in the Process of Adaptation to the University


Perederiy V.1,Skripnichenko L.2,Skorobogatov V.2


1. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

2. Kuban State University


The purpose of the study was to identify stress symptoms in students and resources that positively affect the adaptation process at the university, which affect the level of stress resistance of students during their adaptation to the educational environment. During the survey (sample – 225 students) (212 girls and 13 boys)) and expert interviews (psychological service workers, members of the faculty of the Kuban State University of the Krasnodar Territory who carry out educational work with students of the first and second courses of study were interviewed (curators and deputy deans for educational work, n = 12)) confirmed the need for a comprehensive study combining socio-psychological and individual typological directions in determining the level of stress resistance of students in the process of adaptation to the educational environment.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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