Mission of the Human Resources Management Chair


Zaharov N.1,Malyavin S.2,Legostev A.3,Shelonaev S.4


1. Herzen State Pedagogical University

2. the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

3. Ural State Mining University

4. St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technologies and Design


The article discusses the mission of the departments of personnel management in universities of the country. The author pays attention to the significance of the mission of the structural unit in the organization, its “weight”. He notes that there are units whose activities are directly related to the reputation of the organization, therefore, such a structural unit has a special responsibility both to the organization itself and to the public. The mission of such a unit is the essence of the synthetic unity of the functional responsibilities of the unit itself and the mission of the organization itself. And this essence is revealed in strengthening the reputation of the whole organization. Such a structural unit are the departments of personnel management in universities. It is noted that the essence of the mission of such departments is the principles of humanization of labor. The role of leading departments and leading scientists and teachers in the development of science and the educational direction of personnel management is noted. The problems and ways to overcome them are considered. First of all, it is safe, i.e. an employee in the workplace should not be worried about his future; in fairness, i.e. the share of the employee in the income must correspond to the share of his contribution; self-actualization of the employee in professional activity; democracy, i.e. participation of employees in the distribution of the organization's income.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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