Business requests: the readiness of HR systems to respond to the challenges of the time (based on the materials of the Omsk Personnel Forum, 2022)


Borisova A.1,Ryazanceva I.2


1. Novosibirsk State Technical University

2. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts named after A. D. Kryachkov»


The result of the 17th Omsk Personnel Forum are presented. The main topic of the forum's discussions was the approaches of companies and HR departments to the adjustment of companies under regular changes in the parameters of the external environment. The key problems that HR specialists face while building recruitment and staffing policies are highlighted. The article marks differentiation of the regional labour markets by attractiveness for employment and speed of response to the challenges of economic regulation and policy. The results of monitoring the labor market, describing parameters of correlation of demand and supply of labor, cost of labor are presented. The article offers suggestions about key trends in development of theory and practice of personnel management. The set of trends is due to the change of the employee groups in the labor market and the business's request for preliminary analytical development of management decisions.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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