Regional Personnel Policy in the Field of Labor Market Regulation


Nikulina Yu.1,Grishina D.1


1. Orenburg State University


In modern conditions, more and more attention of regional authorities is focused on the effective use of methods and tools for regulating the labor market. The article considers the features of the formation and implementation of personnel policy at the Federal and regional levels. The authors determine the relationship between the directions of regional personnel policy implementation and factors of labor market development in the region. Special attention is paid to the study of regional labor market problems, analysis of the situation on the labor market of the Orenburg region, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of a number of regional measures in the field of labor market regulation. In conclusion, priority directions for the implementation of regional human resources policy aimed at the formation and development of the region's human resources potential are formulated.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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