Entrepreneurial Bricolage As a Component of Organizational Culture


Titova N.1,Titov S.2


1. FSBEI HE "State University of Management"

2. "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation "(Financial university)


Development of entrepreneurial competencies in corporations is often limited by the established organizational culture, which supports and is rooted in the current models of non-entrepreneurial, performing behavior. The article examines the real experience of a Russian company in introducing entrepreneurial behavior in the context of a project in a protracted crisis. The study was carried out using the concept of entrepreneurial bricolage and the network model of organizational culture. The management of the company and many project participants, realizing the urgent need to find new opportunities for the project, strove to introduce models of entrepreneurial behavior and values that support them, but without success. The author comes to the conclusion that the inability to change the negative trajectory of the project by introducing the practices and values of entrepreneurial bricolage is largely related to the organizational culture, which had fixed the behavior of non-entrepreneurial adherence to the plan at the level of organizational attitudes and values.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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