Biochemical Analysis of Vitreous Humor in Postmortal Diagnosis of Renal Failure


Терёхина ,Terekhina N.,Акимов ,Akimov Pavel


The content of medium molecular weight peptides and creatinine in serum and vitreous humor from 48 corpses of people suffering from diabetes mellitus during his lifetime and 27 without this disease, formed the control group, were investigated. The presence of renal failure among patients with diabetes mellitus and in the control group was, respectively, in 20 and 15 persons was revealed. The content of serum creatinine in cadaver blood without renal failure was more than 2-2,5 - folds in comparative with living people and was not more than 240 μηΊθΙ/L. The content of serum medium molecular weight peptides in control group was not more than 2,8 g/L, and in the group of diabetes mellitus without renal failure - 2,9 g/L. The obtained results are analogical with data of living people accordingly literature sources. Direct correlation between the content of creatinine, medium molecular weight peptides and vitreous humor and serum are estimated. The maximum content of creatinine and medium molecular weight peptides in vitreous humor were, respectively, 110 μΓηοΙ/L and 0,5 g/L. The values extreme graduated in presents of renal failure as in serum, as in vitreous humor. Thus, in postmortal period appropriate to determine the vitreous humor creatinine and medium molecular weight peptides content for the diagnosis of renal failure.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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