1. Humanitarian and technical academy
Confessions take the introduced anti-epidemiological measures, although this often requires adjusting ritual actions and interpreting dogmatic precepts. In such conditions, they were forced to reconsider the forms of their activities, which marked the beginning of discussions, embarrassment and discontent among the clergy and parishioners. Their main topic was the resolution of the contradiction that lies both in the plane of state-administrative relations and in the field of theology: can a sacred place of worship also be a place for transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The purpose of the article is to study the variable reaction of confessions to the relevant prohibitions on the part of state bodies: from understanding, accepting and assisting the authorities to manifesting disobedience and deliberate violation of the quarantine regime. As research methods, general scientific and particular scientific methods of cognition such as: analysis, synthesis, comparative studies and other formal-logical scientific methods, and the method of political and legal analysis proposed by Y. Nisnevich. were used. As a result of the research, the following conclusions were made: the spread of the COVID-19 virus prompted religious organizations to large-scale implementation of new forms of communication with their own followers, as well as a forced transformation in state-confessional relations. The so-called «accelerated digitalization» is becoming a trend today - increasing communication with believers through online technologies, which, of course, will prompt religious organizations to rethink their usual, traditional forms of cult practice in the future. Current pandemic has also shown the readiness of religious organizations for more active social work and has presented confessions with a difficult dilemma - to facilitate ongoing sanitary measures or remain faithful to established traditions.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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