Worldview in the conditions of digitalization of the state


Fedorchenko Sergey12


1. Moscow Region State University

2. RAS Institute of Philosophy


The purpose of the article was to analyze the risks and potentials of the formation of a worldview in the conditions of digitalization of the state. The principles of a comparative analysis of the risks and potentials of digitalization of the state became the main methodological optics. The study also used A. Toynbee's "call–response" model. Among the main conclusions, it is emphasized that epistemological shifts contributed to the fact that the state, as the main political institution, throughout the history of its evolution was forced to consistently cooperate with three successive groups controlling the production of ideological meanings. The last epistemological shift meant not just a crisis of the previous worldview systems. He implied the overlap of two processes: the emergence of the Internet, communities of network communications and the emergence of digital capitalism, in which digital corporate giants became competitors of the postmodern state in the formation of worldview pictures. As a response to such existential challenges, it is proposed to construct a national metaverse – a digital ecosystem of the state that controls the activity of digital corporations for the benefit of society. A desirable scenario for the work of the national digital ecosystem of the state is the harmony of two principles – the admission of network discourse and network leadership, the protection of the ideological core of the country. The digital platform should simultaneously preserve the values of the country and give way to innovation. The theoretical significance of the work is determined by the thesis according to which the symphony of collective worldview and individual worldviews is impossible without the reverse transformation of an idle, conformist Consumer into a responsible and socially, economically enlightened Citizen who is able to realize his needs in a modern type of political agency – network leadership among teams of national projects aimed at consolidating the country.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Engineering

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