Modernization of the state migration policy to ensure Russia's national


Shakurova N.1


1. State Unitary Enterprise


The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the problems of formation and modernization of the state legal regulation of migration policy in Russia as the most important resource for improving the internal and foreign policy of the state in terms of ensuring security at the present stage. Special attention is paid to the need to review migration quotas, strengthen control over the registration of migrants and vigilance of border checks, as well as the interaction of government agencies with representatives of national diasporas to prevent social tension and destabilization. The measures of control over the information space in order to counteract the radicalization of migrants and the spread of extremist sentiments among them are discussed. A proposal is made on the need to legalize labor migration and adjust migration policy as a response to the policies of neighboring states. It is proposed to maintain a visa-free regime with the CIS countries as a way to simplify intergovernmental dialogue and travel on a legal basis. The author of the article eventually comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to apply a balanced approach to the implementation of state migration policy, which will contribute to both security for Russia and the socio-economic integration of migrants, guaranteeing stability and social harmony in the country. The research used such methods as the analysis of documents (NPA regulating the migration process and national security in post-Soviet and modern Russia) and scientific literature on the subject under consideration, systemic, structural and functional, typological and comparative legal analysis, statistical and content analysis method of documents on the problems of formation and implementation of migration policy of the Russian Federation. Cluster analysis was used to assess the impact of migration on all spheres of society in the Russian Federation. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the development of conceptual foundations and methodological approaches to the modernization of migration policy in the context of national security. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that its results can be used by government agencies and political organizations to develop and adjust regulatory legal acts regulating migration processes. The recommendations proposed by the author can contribute to improving the control of migration flows, increasing the effectiveness of interaction with national diasporas and preventing social tension and radicalization of migrants.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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