Electronic voting: cases of Russia and 12 foreign countries (review of V.I. Fedorov's monograph "Electronic Voting: Russian and foreign experience")


Alekseev Roman12


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The article presents an analytical review of the monograph of the Russian political scientist V.I. Fedorov "Electronic voting: Russian and foreign experience". The author of the monograph gained fame in the course of studying electoral practices in the testing and implementation of various forms of online and Internet voting both in the electoral process of domestic elections and during foreign electoral procedures. The reviewed scientific monograph provides a detailed analysis and critical overview of global electronic voting practices (based on materials from a number of foreign countries, such as: Russia, India, Bhutan, Venezuela, Switzerland, Estonia, Namibia, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Belgium, Mongolia, the Philippines). The author of the reviewed work relies on statistical and sociological data, expert reports showing the rapid growth of the use of electronic technologies in the electoral process. The monograph notes and analyzes the emerging trend in both domestic and global electoral practice of the transition from traditional voting (using ballots) to online voting, which is associated by the author of the study with the logic of rational choice theory, focusing on reducing costs and expenses during elections (budget savings and staff reduction staff of election commissions) and maximizing the benefits for the authorities and authorities organizing and conducting elections (increase in electoral turnout, the speed of counting the votes of mobile voters, the prevention of unconventional mass forms of political participation after the publication of election results).


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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