Discrimination of the Russian-speaking ethnic group in Latvia on the basis of citizenship: political and legal aspects


Dolzhenkova E.1


1. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University


Abstract Throughout the entire post-Soviet period in Latvia, there has been a problem of finding the Russian-speaking population in the status of non-citizens with limited rights, including political ones. Currently, restrictions have also extended to Russian citizens with a residence permit in Latvia. The study is based on the case study method. Statistical data on the ethnic composition of the country's population are analyzed. Regulatory acts indicating restrictive mechanisms against non-citizens, as amended in 2022 and 2023, are being considered. Using the method of comparative studies, national legislation and legal regulations of the European Union (international standards) in the field of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms are compared. The results of the study show that the entire Russian–speaking population of Latvia is discriminated against, especially the most vulnerable - pensioners, for whom the new rules for obtaining a residence permit are a problem. This may threaten them with the loss of social security, up to and including forced expulsion from the country. The Russian-speaking population in Latvia cannot influence their own position in the country due to the lack of political rights. Throughout the entire period of independence, the Latvian government has been using this group of the population in its own political agenda, ensuring the legitimacy of its own power and decisions. Such internal political processes contribute to the division of society along ethnic lines and the development of discriminatory attitudes. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the systematization of the mechanism of discrimination against a certain group of the population. In turn, the practical significance lies, on the one hand, in drawing the attention of human rights organizations to the problem of discrimination, and on the other hand, it clearly shows the essence of the mechanism of discrimination and ways to improve it in states in the post-Soviet space. Consequently, the results of the study can be applied to the development of mechanisms for the protection of compatriots in other states where discrimination trends are at an early stage.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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