Implementation of digital technologies in political campaigns


Matyukhin A.1ORCID,Davydova Yu.2,Denisenkova N.2


1. Moscow State Linguistic University

2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article reveals the specifics of the use of digital technologies in political campaigns. In particular, based on a comparative analysis, the experience of using these technologies in the political process of the USA, the EU and the Russian Federation is compared. It is noted that artificial intelligence technologies are most often used in political campaigns, namely targeted advertising, Big Data and the use of cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology to finance political campaigns. It is in this direction that the development of regulatory legal acts regulating the use of digital technologies is also underway. Insufficient elaboration of the issues of the use of digital technologies in the political sphere provides significant opportunities for research. The purpose of the article is to identify the main directions of using digital technologies in political campaigns. The following general scientific methods were used to analyze the results obtained: description, analysis, synthesis. An important role was played by the method of comparative analysis, which allows comparing the use of digital technologies in the USA, EU countries and Russia, as well as obtaining the most representative indicators. The authors have developed criteria and indicators for comparing the use of basic digital technologies by different countries and evaluated them on a 5-point scale. The article also used SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction of digital technologies in political campaigns, as well as to demonstrate the opportunities and threats of their use. The results of comparative and SWOT analysis showed that the use of digital technologies in the Russian Federation and the European Union are approximately at the same level, with the exception of the introduction of Big Data - it is much higher in the EU. The highest degree of implementation of digital technologies is typical for the United States. The article reveals a direct relationship between the degree of regulatory regulation of end-to-end technologies and the level of their dissemination, which indicates the need to maintain a reasonable balance in the legislative regulation of innovative technologies. There is also a tendency to increase the use of digital technologies in Russian political practice, which increases the responsibility of political actors for ensuring the security of personal data of citizens. The article concludes that the development and implementation of digital technologies in modern Russian political life requires the development of a regulatory framework to protect the privacy of citizens and ensure the ethics and transparency of their application. The state should act as a coordinating intermediary between political actors and IT campaigns in order to develop and integrate digital technologies into political campaigns at various levels.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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