Model for Assessing the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry with ESG Included


Lezhanin A.1


1. Siberian Federal University


This paper presents a model for assessing the development of the oil and gas industry, taking into account ESG factors such as the environment, social aspects and management activities. The model allows for a statistical analysis of each ESG factor and to determine its impact on the capitalization of oil and gas companies. The results of the analysis will help to assess the significance of each factor and understand how strongly and in what direction they affect the financial performance of companies. Such a model can be a useful tool for decision-making in the field of investment and risk management in the oil and gas industry, taking into account sustainable development. The work highlights the importance of taking ESG factors into account when evaluating and making decisions in the oil and gas industry in order to achieve sustainable and responsible development.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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