Feedback as a Tool for Effective Project Management: Significance, Methods of Utilization, and Practical Examples


Birulya M.1


1. EPAM Systems Inc.


This article analyzes the importance of feedback in Agile projects, emphasizing its role in improving management processes and motivating personnel. Methods of collecting feedback, such as surveys, meetings, and project data analysis, are discussed. Special attention is paid to practical aspects of giving and receiving feedback, including strategies for effective communication among project participants. Principles of transparency, openness, and respect are discussed in the context of the Agile approach, along with recommendations for developing authentic leadership and building trusting relationships within teams. The influence of feedback on the process of continuous improvement and project refinement is explored. Overall, the article provides an overview of modern methods and practices of using feedback in Agile projects and recommendations for their application to achieve suc-cessful outcomes.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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