Sanctions are a tool of world politics (monograph by L.E. Grishaeva «The Pulse of Sanctions: Russian Historical Aspect»)


Matyuhin A.1


1. Moscow State Linguistic University


The object of this review is an interesting and politically relevant monographic study by Lidia Evgenievna Grishaeva «The Pulse of Sanctions: the Russian historical aspect». In the monograph, the author proves the politically motivated specifics of Western sanctions against the Russian Federation, an important task of which was to try to achieve competitive economic advantages. In this connection, the author reveals the problem of a cardinal contradiction in the position of the collective West, which publicly declares theses about the free market, but at the same time introduces illegal sanctions that do not correspond to the content and laws of the liberal market economy. At the same time, the author emphasizes that certain goals of causing economic damage to Russia were achieved, although the consequences of the sanctions were also ambiguous. The most original are the author's conclusions about the Russian policy of import substitution, the essence of which the author shows very convincingly, but critically noting that this policy did not fully achieve the originally set goals. The author's historical digression into the formation of the international financial system is very important. It is quite possible to share the author's thoughts about the importance of innovative development of the country, about the objective close relationship between the economy and politics, and ways out of the economic crisis. It is important that the author was able to write about it so clearly and openly. The monograph of L.E. Grishaeva is of interest both from the point of view of studying the history of the issue, and from the point of view of determining the modern role of Russia, understanding its place in the world political and economic system. Tracing the dynamics of the sanctions impact and the methods of their practical application, the author comes to a convincing conclusion about the fundamental ineffectiveness of sanctions measures, if initially the tasks of political transformations are set in the directions necessary for the West in relation to the countries that have become the object of sanctions policy. The monograph by L.E. Grishaeva is undoubtedly of scientific interest and can be used to study Russian history and politics of the XX-XXI centuries, various aspects of international relations, the history of the world economy, the processes of globalization, etc.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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