Prospects for the use of video games as a means of positioning the foreign policy of the Russian Federation


Belov S.123


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. RAS Institute of Philosophy

3. Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy universtitet


The aim of this work is to assess the potential of using video games as a means of positioning the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The research methodology is built by combining an expert survey with elements of descriptive analysis and case study. Within the framework of this study, 10 expert informal interviews were conducted using online video communication services. The author comes to the conclusion that video games have high potential in terms of being used as a resource for positioning Russia's foreign policy. A high degree of genre differentiation makes it possible to use them as a tool to influence the political perception of all segments of the target audience. Game genres, which are potentially attractive to a wide range of users who do not have a sustained interest in political topics, are the least resource-intensive. At the same time, within the community of gamers, there is potentially already formed consumer demand for a new product that belongs to familiar genres, but has an original storyline. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of specific recommendations that can be used in the framework of the program for the creation and promotion of appropriate video games. The theoretical significance is manifested through the possibility of improving explanatory models through the analysis of the revealed empirical material.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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