Problems of digitalization of political communication between government and society in modern Russia


Belov S.123


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. RAS Institute of Philosophy

3. Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy universtitet


The presented research is devoted to the study of the problematic aspects of digitalization of political communication between the authorities and society in modern Russia. The goal is to identify the factors hindering the expansion of the influence of loyalist resources in the framework of political communication in the Runet. The research methodology is built on the basis of a combination of cybermetry with content analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that «aggressive loyalism», the opportunistic nature of the behavior of specific leaders of public opinion, fixation of attention on the foreign policy agenda and the development of conflicts with specific countries, the behavior of speakers within the framework of the model of direct emotional contamination, attempts to use the popularity of seldom , ignorance or censure of leaders of public opinion from among the representatives of the conventional opposition, the absence of a formative component in "pro-government" trolling. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the formation of an empirical basis for testing the explanatory models used to describe political communication in the digital space. The practical significance of the research is manifested through the possibility of creating methodological recommendations and training courses on its basis.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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