Constructing the Soviet Man’s Image in Modern Liberal Sociology Discourse (Levada-Centre Texts Cases)


Beznosov Mihail1,Golikov A.2


1. University of West Georgia

2. Kharkov National Univesity


The article examines the practice of discursive construction of the image of the Soviet (including the Soviet person) in the discourse of modern Russian sociology. As a specific empirical case, the authors choose the texts of the Levada Center (hereinafter - LC), which are analyzed using critical discourse analysis in N. Fairklough's variations, based on the study of mythologemes and discourse of the Soviet based on the developments of R. Barthes and P. Bourdieu. The discourse of the Soviet (man) is analyzed as a discourse of implicitly liberal sociology, which, while denying explicit ideology, reproduces non-scientific (in particular, mythological, ideological, worldview) structures. It is emphasized that such an implicit ideological and worldview bias, not necessarily defined as an intentional orientation, has a significant impact on both the programming of research and the objectivity of their results, and the discursive practices of their description and interpretation. Typical practices and structures of the discoursivization of the image of the Soviet (man) in the texts of the LC are presented and analyzed. A special emphasis is made on the political connotations of the nominations, discourses and denotations proposed by the authors of the LC texts. A conclusion is formulated about the limitations of the objectivity of the political and discursive representation of the image of the Soviet (person) in modern (in particular, liberal) sociology on the example of LC texts.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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