Features of Quantitative Analysis of Projects from the Standpoint of Modern Decision-Making Theory


Vlasov D.12,Sinchukov Aleksandr23


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

3. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Improving the quality of project analysis requires the involvement of mod-ern achievements in the field of quantitative methods and mathematical modeling, in particular in the field of game theory and decision theory. The article presents a critical understanding of the horizons of the established theory, traditionally used in the practice of project analysis, and a description of techniques that contribute to improving the quality of project anal-ysis. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of taking into account the subjective perceptions of the investor, which complicate the classical scheme of choice and decision-making in various information conditions. A set of criteria for the analysis of projects has been constructed, which has features of relative simplicity and universality, and consists of nine positive criteria that have received a meaningful interpretation. The set of criteria is open for expansion by adding special criteria specific to the subject areas of the analyzed projects. The presented approaches to making a decision on choosing a project in the conditions of multi-criteria optimization allow us to use the achievements of modern economics as a science of human behavior in the real practice of analyzing projects.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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