Studying the Reasons for Resistance to the Project of Transferring the Company to an Automated Task Tracker and Developing Practical Recommendations for Overcoming Them


Shayahmedova Luiza1,Gorodnicheva Anastasiya2



2. Higher School of Economics


This work is devoted to the analysis of the causes of resistance to the project of transferring a company unit to an automated task accounting system and the development of practical recommendations for overcoming it. As a research base, the results of the developed testing of employees of the company of various departments that were affected by the changes were used. The results of the work are an analysis and explanations of the petal diagrams based on the responses of the respondents. In this paper, the main objects of resistance were identified and the reasons for their occurrence were explained. As a solution, recommendations for their elimination or workarounds for overcoming problems are proposed.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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