Development of a Growth Strategy of a Machine-Building Enterprise's Production Potential During the Implementation of an Innovative Production Modernization Project


Batova Marina1,Baranov V.2


1. Military University after Prince Alexander Nevsky of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

2. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


The article considers the economic aspects of the production potential growth of a machine-building enterprise during the implementation of its innovative modernization project, a part of which is the robotization of production. There was proposed the methodology for evaluating creation, organization and operation of robotic organizational and production structures at the enterprises of the machine-building cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan. Within the framework of the methodology, optimization-type problems were solved, the criterion was net present value. In the course of the research, an algorithm for calculating the optimal output program was developed, organizational design was carried out, economic and mathematical models of the development and effective operation of technical robotic subsystems of the enterprise were proposed.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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