Generation of Alfvén waves in magnetized plasma by laser plasma bunches at Mach numbers much less than unity


Tishchenko Vladimir1,Berezutsky Artem1,Dmitrieva Leila1,Miroshnichenko Ilya1,Shaikhislamov Ildar1


1. Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS


In this paper, we examine a torsional Alfvén wave produced by periodic plasma bunches in a magnetized plasma flux tube. A new effect has been revealed: the wave is generated not only during the action of bunches, but also for a long time after the termination, which makes it possible to increase the wavelength by several times. We have determined the conditions under which the wave contains η~40 % of the total bunch energy. The wave radius depends on the energy of one bunch; and the length, on their number. The optimum number of bunches is 15. Simultaneously with the Alfvén wave, a bunch plasma jet (η~35 %) and a slow magnetosonic wave (η~10 %) propagate in the force tube. Similarity parameters scale the results to laboratory and near-Earth magnetized plasma.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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