Prevalence of Buxtonella sulcata (JAMESON, 1926) among cattle in the Kurgan region


Шибитов ,Shibitov S,Сафиуллин ,Safiullin Rinat


Objective of research: To study the infection rate with B. sulcata in various age groups of cattle in summer at different management technologies in the Kurgan region. Materials and methods. Samples were collected from animals kept under different management technologies (private sector, stabling&pasture, stabling) in the Kurgan region in July 2016. Samples weighing 10 g were taken from animals of different age groups from the rectum or by usual fecal gathering in animal premises. The collected material was preserved with 2% potassium dichromate. At the Laboratory for Protozoology and Sanitary Parasitology of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin, 68 samples were examined under the microscope by methods of successive washings and formalinether sedimentation; cyst counting was performed in a counting chamber Mc Master. Results and discussion. The results of random coproscopic examination of cattle of different age groups in farms of the Kurgan region in summer period revealed their infection with Buxtonella sulcata. Extensity of infection in the private sector ranged from 33% to 50%, in farms with stable management — from 10 to 62,5%, stable and pasture management — from 0 to 85,7%.


Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants

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