Various Types of Anesthesia for Cesarean Section (Literature Review)


Багомедов ,Bagomedov R.,Омарова ,Omarova Kh.


The choice of anesthesia for Cesarean section is relevant in modern obstetrics, because an anesthesia should promote adequate protection of pregnant from operational stress and to create optimal conditions for the adaptation of the fetus in the perioperative and the neonatal period. In modern obstetrics, the anesthesiologist plays a significant role not only in the introduction of anesthesia for Caesarean section and to assist in the immediate postpartum period. A number of authors have noted the positive effect of segmental blocks on the vital functions at the comparison the general and regional anesthesia. In particular, hemo-rheological and stress-protective effects of regional anesthesia were identified in comparison with general anesthesia. Fewer thromboembolic complications were noted. The article discusses the various mechanisms that underlie these changes, namely, the activation of blood flow in the area of sympathetic blockade and activation of fibrinolysis, the decrease of the viscosity and aggregation properties of platelets prior to infusion therapy. The changes of hemostasis are associated with sympathetic blockade, peripheral vasodilatation, improvement of peripheral blood flow and microcirculation. According to some authors, the optimal method of modulation surgical stress is regional anesthesia, which allows to provide extensive sympathetic block during surgery and prolonged epidural analgesia.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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