
Egorova Olga1,Sabirova Razina1,Vafin Il'shat1,Safin Radik1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The purpose of the research was to assess the productivity and feed value (grain content and protein yield) of various grain feed crops. The objectives of the research were to identify types and varieties of grain forage crops that provide the maximum yield of vegetable protein from 1 hectare of crops. The objects of research were spring two-row barley, spring multi-row chaffy barley, spring multi-row hulless barley, and spring triticale. The research was carried out in 2023 on well-cultivated, gray forest soil of medium loamy composition under conditions of periodically dry conditions. Standard technologies for cultivating grain forage crops were used. Among spring grain feed barley, the highest indicators for yield, protein content and its collection per 1 ha were for the multi-row chaffy barley variety Tevkech. No significant differences in yield between varieties of two-row chaffy barley (Raushan, Orlan) have been established. The maximum protein content in grain (6.7% higher than the standard) among the barley varieties was in the multi-row hulless barley variety Ergeninsky holozerny, due to which the protein collection in this variant was at the level of two-row barley varieties and was slightly inferior to the indicators for multi-row chaffy barley Tevkech varieties. The spring triticale varieties UKRO and Timur were inferior in grain protein content to all variants with spring barley. The Orden variety stood out significantly among other spring triticale varieties in terms of protein content, and due to its high yield, its use resulted in the maximum amount (0.77 t) of vegetable protein being obtained from 1 hectare of crops. Thus, among the studied grain forage crops in the conditions of 2023, spring triticale of the Orden variety had an advantage.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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