1. Kazan State Agrarian University
An assessment of the impact of various areas and food conditions on potato yields in the Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan has been carried out. It was found that on leached chernozems, as the number of tubers planted on different nutrient backgrounds increased from 30 to 60 thousand pieces/ha, the yield of potato tubers of the Gala variety increased on average over 2 years from 25.2 to 29.2 t/ha in the control, against the background of the use of fertilizers from 31.0-34.8 and 32.4-38.7 tons/ha . However, the maximum yield minus the weight of the planting material of 25.2...31.1 and 35.1 t/ha had a clear, pronounced maximum at a certain optimal planting rate of 50 thousand tubers/ha. The effect of the nutrition background on the number of stems of one bush was insignificant, however, in terms of unit area, the number of stems against the background of N60P60K90 with a planting density of 50 thousand tubers exceeded the control (without fertilizers) by 3.41 thousand pieces, and against the background of N60P60K90 - by 100 thousand pieces. + When applying 60 tons of manure, this difference amounted to 4.38 thousand pieces, which ultimately affected the formation of the tuber harvest. The largest assimilation surface – 44.6...46.7 thousand m2/ha was noted in the fertilized variants of the experiment with a planting density of 60 thousand tubers per 1 ha. The excess compared to the control was 6.3...8.4 thousand m2/ha. The use of fertilizers in potato cultivation led to a slight decrease in the starch content in tubers by 1.4...2.1% with a planting density of 50 thousand tubers per 1 hectare. As the planting density increased, regardless of the nutritional background, the starch content increased by 1.1% on the control and by 0.8...0.9% on the fertilized backgrounds.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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