The effectiveness of using chicken manure during the cultivation of winter wheat grain


Haliullina Zul'fiya1,Ganiev Almaz1,Gayfullin Ilnur1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


In this paper, the possibility and effectiveness of using chicken manure as an organic fertilizer "Soil improver (UP-1)" is studied. "Soil improver (UP-1)" was obtained by adding the plant growth regulator "Mephosphone" to chicken manure. The drug "Mephosphone" is intended for the cultivation of grain crops, as well as the production of organic products. Experimentally, the prospects of using the drug "Mephosphone" to accelerate the processing of organic waste have been revealed. As a result of the research, field data were obtained on the cultivation of winter wheat of the Kazanskaya 560 Elite variety in the fields of JSC Agrofirma Ak Bars - Pestretsy. The introduction of chicken manure - "Soil improver (UP-1)", treated with the drug "Mephosphone" was carried out according to the described method. The local variety of winter wheat "Kazanskaya 560" Elite with a seeding rate of 280 kg/ha was used as an experimental crop. The predecessor was perennial herbs. Before the experiment and after harvesting, soil was selected for analysis from both experimental fields with an area of 300 hectares from 6 random plots at a layer depth of 0-20 cm. As a result of field tests, an increase in the yield of grain of the Kazanskaya 560 Elite variety was recorded when applying chicken manure. In the experimental plots, the yield was 33.5 and 36.0 c/ha. The grown grain with the use of chicken manure treated with the preparation "Mephosphone" meets the basic quality requirements and is practically not inferior to the grain of the control group, which allows it to be freely used for processing into flour of proper quality. Analysis of the indicators of experimental soil samples shows that they do not exceed the requirements of scientific and technical documentation. Thus, the resulting soil is safe for humans and agricultural production. The proposed technology for processing poultry waste will improve the environmental situation around modern poultry farms, reduce the use of unprocessed chicken manure as fertilizers, replacing it with higher-quality and environmentally friendly organic fertilizers formed as a result of anaerobic disposal of manure.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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