Statistical analysis of land use in Udmurt Republic


Mustafina Aisylu1,Vechtomova Polina


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The authors of this work conducted a statistical analysis of land use in the Udmurt Republic in 2011-2022. The dynamics of land areas by category is given. The study found that the largest decrease in farmland area occurred in the first half of the period under review. Over the 12 years studied, the area of this category decreased by 7.5 thousand hectares. The rate of reduction is 6.6 thousand hectares/10 years, i.e. every 10 years the category of agricultural land decreases by 6.6 thousand hectares. Every 10 years, the land area of settlements increases by 1.8 thousand hectares, which indicates an increase in the urban population and an increase in the number of urban residents. By 2022, the area of land occupied by settlements increased to 204.3 thousand hectares. The area of industrial and other lands is increasing at a rate of 4.2 thousand hectares in 10 years. For 2022, the area of industrial land amounted to 42.9 thousand hectares. For 2011-2022, the area of the analyzed category increased by 4.6 thousand hectares. In 2016, the land area of specially protected natural areas increased by 17.3 thousand hectares (from 1.9 to 21.6 thousand hectares), since the lands of the forest fund were transferred to this category. The area of forest land decreased from 2046.8 to 2029.4 thousand hectares. Over the 12 years under consideration, the land area of the water fund decreased by 0.5 thousand hectares, the maximum area was in 2011 and amounted to 29.2 thousand hectares. Starting from 2011 and ending in 2022, the total area of reserve land remained relatively stable (19.5-20.7 thousand hectares), the changes do not exceed 1.2 thousand hectares. As of 2022, the area of irrigated land of the Udmurt Republic amounted to 18.2 thousand hectares, and drained - 23 thousand hectares. Over the past 11 years, the area of good irrigated land has increased by 5.9 thousand hectares, the areas of satisfactory and unsatisfactory land have decreased by 4.6 thousand hectares and 3.8 thousand hectares, respectively.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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