Modeling of the wastewater treatment system of livestock farms


Savdur Svetlana1


1. Kazan state agrarian university


Among the sources of pollution of surface water bodies from agricultural activities, livestock, pig and poultry complexes can be prioritized, which are uncontrolled and diffuse sources of suspended solids, organic compounds, biogenic elements, heavy metals and pathogenic microflora, which causes biochemical pollution and has a particularly detrimental effect on the state of inland reservoirs. Wastewater from agricultural processing enterprises and household water from rural settlements with unpredictable pollutants play a significant role in pollution. The livestock sector is one of the largest consumers of water. The large number of animals in a confined space, the use of hydraulic harvesting systems when removing their waste products, leads to the formation of manure in significant quantities. Sanitary and hygienic standards in industrial premises are supported with the help of water – animals are washed with it, rooms are cleaned, and they are disinfected, food is prepared, dishes and equipment are washed, manure is washed off with water, and so on. Accordingly, as the demand for water in animal husbandry increases, the volume of wastewater discharge that contains manure into nearby water bodies increases. The effluents that are formed as a result of the activities of the livestock sector are classified as containing a large amount of harmful substances with a high concentration. Depending on the sources of pollution and the main pollutants, technical solutions should be developed to reduce the volume of wastewater and its treatment. The effectiveness of their functioning can be ensured with the help of modern information processing methods, using methods of system analysis of complex objects based on a mathematical description of the technological process. To analyze the state of the treatment system as a whole and predict the development of emergency situations, a software implementation of a wastewater treatment system for livestock farms was created.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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