
Yakhin Ildar,Gabitov Ranis,Hismatullin Mars1,Trofimov Nikolay2


1. FGBOU VO «Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


Corn in the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Federation, which includes the Republic of Tatarstan, is the main fodder crop, the yield of which directly depends on the moisture content of a particular growing season and the nutritional background. The above-mentioned limiting factors for increasing the productivity of fodder corn can be easily controlled by the agrotechnical methods described in this paper. The results of the research showed the high efficiency of irrigation and the introduction of calculated fertilizer rates in combination with foliar feeding of the Isagri Force plant 6 l / ha in the phase of 4-6 pairs of true corn leaves. At the same time, the stem density increased from 51.1 thousand pcs/ha in the control to 59.5 thousand pcs/ha in the NPK variant by 60 t/ha + Isagri Force 6l/ha. Moreover, in the variant of applying mineral fertilizers with the expectation of obtaining 60 t/ha of green mass, the yield of green mass of the Nur hybrid was 61.4 t/ha, and the VNII hybrids 64.1 t/ha, which is higher than the control by 66.8 and 67.8% respectively. Additional foliar top dressing Izagri Force with the content of easily digestible amino acids and a complex of chelate forms of microfertilizers providing additional production from each hectare of 1.3 green mass of the studied Nur and Ross 140 corn hybrids.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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