
Gilyazov Minnegali1,Romanov Nikita,Tuhvatullaev Rinat


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The aim of the study was to determine the optimal dose of the «Biodux» biostimulator, containing a complex of biologically active polyunsaturated fatty acids of the fungus Mortierellaalpina, for presowing treatment of millet (Panicum miliaceum) seeds. The study was conducted in 2019-2020. in the conditions of the Pre-Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. The experimental plot is located on light gray forest soil, which has a slightly acidic reaction (pHsalt. = 5.3), an increased content of mobile forms of phosphorus (142-148 mg/kg) and potassium (153-162 mg/kg), the average content of organic matter (3.6-3.8%). Agrochemical analyzes of the soil were performed by generally accepted methods: GOST 26213-91 (organic matter content); GOST 26207-91 (content of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium according to the Kirsanov method in the modification of TsINAO); GOST 26483-85 (pH value). The effect of the biostimulator on the yield of millet variety Varyag was studied against the background of a complete mineral fertilizer, calculated to obtain 3.0 t/ha of grain (N78-84P69-74K88-94). The doses of «Biodux» for seed treatment were 1, 3, 4 and 6 ml/t. The agrometeorological conditions of the vegetation periods during the years of the study were favorable for the growth and development of millet. The presence of a close curvilinear correlation between the increments of the millet yield and increasing doses of the biostimulant was established. For the description of this dependence for two years, a polynomial equation of the second degree was better suited: in both cases, the coefficient of determination (R2) of the increase in millet grain yield from the doses of the tested biostimulant «Biodux» was 0.97. The greatest increase in the yield of millet was provided by the average (3 ml/t) dose of «Biodux», which increased the yield of grain by 14-15% compared to the background level. Increases in grain yield from mineral fertilizers exceeded the maximum increase from the «Biodux» biostimulator by 3.1-3.6 times.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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