
Mikhaylova Marina1


1. Kazan state agrarian university


The article presents the results of research conducted to study the productivity and adaptability of corn hybrids of the company "KVS RUS" LLC on gray forest soils of the Ancestral region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Cromwell and Rodriguez hybrids are siliceous, plastic, universal use with FAO 180. Bodor is a hybrid with dynamic growth in the early stages of development, FAO 170, suitable for grain and silage. Nestor is a hybrid with a high potential for grain productivity, FAO 190, adapts well to stressful conditions. Lionel is one of the early–maturing hybrids of the KVS RUS line. It is the leader for testing in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is cultivated for silage and grain, FAO 180. Frederico is a hybrid with a stable yield of grain and silage. It has a good ratio of starch and easily digested fiber, FAO 190. Studies have shown that the tallest plants are formed in Frederico hybrids – 169.9 cm and Bodor – 149.2 cm (measurements were carried out during the sweeping phase). The shortest plants were formed in the hybrid Nestor 124.6 cm. The feeding potential was manifested in the hybrids of Frederico and Lionel. The aboveground mass of these hybrids was 23.3 and 18.7 t/ha, respectively. The smallest aboveground mass was formed in the hybrid Nestor 14.6 t/ha. The largest assimilation surface of leaves was formed in Lionel hybrids – 48.6 thousand m2/ha and Frederico - 37.9 thousand m2/ha. And the smallest leaf area was obtained from the Cromwell hybrid – 35.1 thousand m2/ ha. The best grain potential was shown in the hybrids of Bodor and Frederico. Grain yields were 6.08 and 5.75 t/ha. The lowest grain yield was obtained when growing the Nestor hybrid – 4.02 t/ha.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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