Night airglow in RGB mode


Михалев Александр1,Mikhalev Aleksandr2,Подлесный Степан1,Podlesny Stepan2,Стоева Пенка3,Stoeva Penka4


1. Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН

2. Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS

3. Институт космических исследований и технологий БАН

4. Space Research and Technology Institute BAS


TTo study dynamics of the upper atmosphere, we consider results of the night sky photometry, using a color CCD camera and taking into account the night airglow and features of its spectral composition. We use night airglow observations for 2010–2015, which have been obtained at the ISTP SB RAS Geophysical Observatory (52° N, 103° E) by the camera with KODAK KAI-11002 CCD sensor. We estimate average brightness of the night sky in R, G, B channels of the color camera for eastern Siberia with typical values ranging from ~0.008 to 0.01 erg·cm–2·s–1. Besides, we determine seasonal variations in the night sky luminosities in R, G, B channels of the color camera. In these channels, luminosities decrease in spring, increase in autumn, and have a pronounced summer maximum, which can be explained by scattered light and is associated with the location of the Geophysical Observatory. We consider geophysical phenomena with their optical effects in R, G, B channels of the color camera. For some geophysical phenomena (geomagnetic storms, sudden stratospheric warmings), we demonstrate the possibility of quantitative relationship between enhanced signals in R and G channels and increases in intensities of discrete 557.7 and 630 nm emissions, which are predominant in the airglow spectrum.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics

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